15 December 2009

Pasta surprise

This pasta replica of Jamestown took hours to create

The worst part of the project was putting the walls together

Mason recently came home with the assignment to build a model of Jamestown for school. One of the criteria for grading was creative use of materials, so we came up with the bright idea to build the model out of different types of pasta. At least it seemed like a bright idea until I started putting the walls together out of fettucini. Many hours later, the model was finally done. Monday, we sent the model to class, and guess what: No other kid had made their model out of pasta, so at least we have that creative use of materials down.


Andrea Grover said...

Shoot, man. I would have picked a wider noodle than fettucini for the walls.

I love the cannons.

Ethan Scott said...

Now you say something. Where were you when this project began?

Kylee said...

remind me...who's project was this again?!?! VERY CREATIVE:)