28 April 2008

Leaping lizards

Last year in San Antonio, we had one of the wettest summers in a long time. With that wet weather came a surfeit of frogs. The frogs were fun for the boys to catch, but it sure seemed like there were a lot of them that were flattened by cars while they were sunbathing in the street. This year, evolution seems to have taken us from amphibians to reptiles. It seems that everywhere we look we see lizards like the one pictured above. The lizards hang out in the bushes, on the house, on the basketball standard and one even scurried across my leg while I was doing yardwork. (I'm not sure who was more surprised, me or the lizard.) In spite of the booming lizard population, I have yet to see squished lizard in the road. Survival of the fittest, baby.


The Barton Family said...

This lizard needs a name!! He is always hanging out whenever I come over. May I suggest Princess Alisha? Ha ha!!

The Addams Family said...

Hey guys! I saw your link on Alisha's blog. Ours is addamsfam.blogspot.com. We have a TON of lizards over here too. Robert loves them.