10 November 2008

Happy belated birthday, Sam

The wait for his birthday cake seemed worthwhile for Sam

Samuel had been waiting for his birthday party for a while. Even though his birthday was on Oct. 23, we decided to wait to celebrate until his grandparents were in town for Mason's baptism. The best part is that Sam didn't even care. He was perfectly contented to wait until the cows came home to have his little party. He didn't even realize that we were holding out on gifts for him. And nothing could have lessened the pure, unadulterated joy he felt as he was mowing down that very first birthday cake. (OK, so it was mostly the icing.) At least by waiting, though, Sam's grandparents were able to participate in that first birthday ritual. Of course, the rest of us knew there was going to be cake the next day at Mason's baptism, so Sam was the only one to really pig out.

1 comment:

Andrea Grover said...

Cute, cute, sweet! Bekah barely touched her first birthday cake, which made me feel like a failure as a mother and a cook. But Ana was much like Samuel; she dug right in. And kept digging. And digging. Anyway, I'm glad Sam had a happy belated birthday.