17 November 2008

Mason's baptism

This photo in the hall was rushed, considering baptism to follow and Mason's dip in the font

After waiting nearly a month so that the grandparents could be here, we held Mason's baptism. We scheduled the church several weeks earlier and then made sure to spread the word to friends and family. We held the baptism after church, and since we were waiting for the bishop and some other friends while they were in a meeting, we decided to have a little lunch so that people wouldn't have to go home and then come back. While we were having lunch, the first councilor in the bishopric approached me and said, "Did you hear that the missionaries are at 5 o'clock?" My response: "No they're not. We have the building scheduled until 6."

OK, so I'm not really that difficult to deal with. We ended up moving Mason's confirmation to the chapel while the missionaries moved their meeting over to use the font right after we were done. Things ended up working out all right for everyone.

So, back to the photo caption. After Mason put on his white jumpsuit, I told him to go back into the other room, meaning the room where we were holding the opening part of the meeting, while I got dressed. A few minutes later Teressa pokes her head into the bathroom and tells me that I need to get Mason out of the font, now. It seems that Mason had misunderstood my directive to go back to the other room. He thought I wanted him to go to the font. By the time I went to go get him, he was doing the dog paddle. Teressa had been alerted to his hijinks by the sounds of his splashing. I fished him out of the font and had him put on a dry jumpsuit right before we took our photo in the hallway.

1 comment:

Lindsey said...

Ah I LOVE that kid :)
I love em all.
Give them hugs for me! Big ones, preferrably :)
And give each other hugs. Just...everyone hug each other!