08 August 2009

Feeding the Deer

Sam thought all the animals were very exciting

The deer were happy to socialize as soon as they knew there was food involved

Broccoli was strangely popular amongst the deer

The geese and peafowl followed the food wherever it went

As part of our activities over the weekend, we took Uncle Andy to the Fort Sam Houston Quadrangle. It's a historic building on post with a large open center filled with an assortment of animals. These animals like people, especially if the people bring food. The geese and the peafowl in particular made a beeline for us as soon as they saw us enter. The geese are a bit on the aggressive side. One snatched Sam's personal stash of peanut butter crackers right out of his hand. Another nipped Spencer on his thumb in an attempt to take lettuce from his hand. (I don't think it was being malicious; I just think geese are not the most gentle of animals.) The deer were a little more shy. They hung back under a shade tree until we walked nearer and they could see that we had a wide assortment of food. Then they were more than happy to come get some lunch. As long as we were feeding them, the deer would get right up close and tolerate being petted. ( Sam thought this was quite fun.) But as soon as the food was gone the deer became more nonchalant and wandered back away.

I had thought we brought a lot of veggies with us, but the animals made quick work of it. The next time we go back, we may have to bring extra helpings.

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