26 May 2008

Beach trip

Mason was the first one in the water

For Memorial Day weekend, we decided to head to Corpus Christi to visit the beach. It wasn't a hard decision. I have been working at the children's hospital for the month, and my hotel room was already paid for, so all we had to shell out for was for gas and meals. I was post-call on Thursday, so I drove back to San Antonio, picked up the family and away we went. I had to work Friday, but I still got out early enough that we were able to head to the beach.

Sam looks serious, but he had a good time

The next day we went to the beach again, this time to meet friends who drove down that day from San Antonio. The kids had a great time playing in the sand and the surf again, and nobody got sunburned too badly (except for Teressa who missed some spots with the sunscreen).

Spencer wasn't sure about the water at first.

We returned to San Antonio where we finished our Memorial Day weekend with a decidedly lest festive (although wildly productive) note. But that will be covered in another post.

1 comment:

Andrea Grover said...

Funny. Our Memorial Day weekend included snowy mountains and wet, chilly fishing. Quite different from a day at the beach.

Sammy's getting so big! Bekah's excited to meet "Baby Cousin Samuel" this summer.