21 September 2008

Be careful what you ask

Background information: Every Idaho state license plate is prefaced with a number and a letter. So it's easy for those of us familiar with the system to know where someone in Idaho lives just by looking at a license plate. The first councilor in our bishopric, Dan Taylor, is originally from Idaho. He has a car for sale, and I made a crack that he should be able to get an extra $500 just by switching his 1B license plates (Bannock county where he is from) for 8B plates (Bonneville county, where I grew up).

This led to a deeper philosophical discussion about how people from outside of the state would have no idea what the code stood for. To prove his point, Dan turned to some other members of the ward standing there and asked, "What does it mean if I tell you that I'm a 1B and he's (pointing to me) an 8B?"

The reply: "Well, if it were the other way around, I would figure it was your bra sizes."

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I live in 1A. What does that say about me?